Anton Tymczenko Portrait
Hello, my name is

Anton Tymczenko


I am a

full-stack JavaScript developer

with over 6 years of experience in modern web development. My expertise lies in TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, React, Redux, SCSS/CSS/JSS, and Jest. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on projects that utilize microservices like Redis and Elasticsearch. In addition to coding, I have a passion for writing technical documentation, including readmes and ADRs. I make use of tools such as Swagger, JSDoc, and Styleguidist.

One aspect I prioritize is ensuring high code quality by writing comprehensive unit tests and integration tests using Jest. I believe in following common development practices and optimizing performance to deliver reliable solutions. Collaboration and teamwork are crucial to me, and I enjoy engaging in activities like pair programming and debugging with my colleagues. Sharing knowledge with others brings me great joy, and I find fulfillment in contributing to the growth of those around me.

If you're interested in hiring a new team member for your long-term project – let me know. You can contact me in LinkedIn, Telegram. And if you want to check out my skills – you can take a look at my GitHub profile page.

You can also download my CV here.